Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A More Equal Union

            The battle for equal rights has long been waged in this country and is still not over. Since Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation in 1863 to when Lyndon Johnson passed the civil rights act of 1964, there has been a heated passion for equality among the American people. While the direct issue at hand may been different today, the general sentiment remains extremely similar. Over the last few years several states have slowly been allowing same-sex marriage. An article published in The New York Times on October 17th, by Adam Liptak, stated that Alaska and Arizona are the most recent states to lift the ban on gay-marriage.

            For Alaska, it took action by the Supreme Court to make this new change. Five couples had sued the state over its ban on same-sex marriage and they can now happily claim a victory. In Arizona, however, a republican attorney general stated firmly that he would not appeal a recent ruling that struck down the state’s ban on gay-marriage. This comes as a surprise to many all over the country but nevertheless is a symbolic gesture that hints toward changing times and widespread tolerance of lifestyle choice.

            This new change in attitude towards same-sex couples in both Arizona and Alaska makes 31 states that now allow same-sex marriage. This is a pivotal and important time in our nation’s history. We are on the brink of widespread tolerance and we are slowly moving towards a more equal union. While there remain those southern, more conservative states that still have a ban imposed on gay marriage, they are now in the minority. It is more than likely that we will see nationwide acceptance of same-sex marriage within our lifetime and I am proud to be part of a generation that allows and accepts change. It is important that we practice what we preach and until we can achieve true equality for all, we will never really be free citizens in a free country. Liberty and justice have prevailed in these states and it is merely a matter of time before they sweep across the country and do the same nationally.

Liptak, Adam. "Alaska and Arizona Are Latest to Clear Way for Gay Marriage." The New York Times. The New York Times, 17 Oct. 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/18/us/alaska-gay-marriage.html?ref=politics&_r=2>.

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